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At the end of December, it’s fun to reflect back on smile-filled memories and consider what things we’d like to leave behind as we enter a New Year.

A lot of things made me smile in 2019: exertional flatulence, outdoor camping fails, snot rockets, Chaco creep, car tetris, and urban ski tours, just to name a few.

I went to the Iditarod (which is a word I can never spell right the first time) and enjoyed a 4-day respite at Eklutna Lake. I took a look further back into my childhood to explore how scars shape us and how broken bones make the heart grow bolder. I was delighted when a few of these stories were picked up by Adventure Journal (again! dreams do come true!), and I was thrilled to have the opportunity to revisit a trip from a few years ago for Osprey in “Ice Capades“.

I also enjoyed celebrating the insane accomplishments of my friends, and was particularly tickled by all of the ridiculous things people say when they see me carrying my skis on my back. I got my hands on a video of our surprise wedding, and finally got around to sharing the backstory behind my engagement ring. And, last but not least, I hit 8 years (96 months!) of Turns All Year!

A few other ‘by the numbers’:

  • 33 skiing adventures (months 87-98 of Turns All Year)
  • 139 miles ran
  • 419 miles ridden (on a bicycle)
  • 81 hours getting shredded (ha!) at crossfit
  • 62,121 feet climbed with the various activities (basically could have done Everest twice, nbd)
  • 14 places visited (Montana, Alaska, Baton Rouge & New Orleans, Mazama, Oregon, Bainbridge (for the weekend, it counts!), Italy, Germany, Doe Bay, Chicago, DC, New York, Alpine Lakes High Camp) 
  • 30 blogs written (for Occasionally Epic)
  • 4 magazines published (for The Mountaineers)
  • 12 books read
  • 0 black eyes given to myself

The past year was full of challenges as well. After a joy-filled 2018, I struggled to find balance in 2019. I turned 35 (yuck!), dealt with some unexpected health issues, we wrecked the truck, and I continued to fall woefully behind on my personal writing. Activity wise, I wanted to run twice that distance, a third of those biking miles happened on our trip to Italy, and 81 trips to the gym in a year only translates to 6x a month! Which means there were a lot of slept-thru alarms, lazy I’ll-just-drive-to-work mornings, and missed deadlines with myself. And that’s just the negative stuff I’m willing to admit to you all.

I also fell short of my 2019 resolution to be a more considerate person. Looking back I feel like there was so much more I could have done, and I hope to carry this intention forward into the new decade. I don’t want to make any resolutions for 2020, but this year I hope to honor the thought that “I am enough”. Just the way I am.

One thing in my life has remained consistent since 2007 however, and that’s my annual practice of doing holiday cards (I really do love sending cards). Every year I put together a recap, and it’s fun to see how much the cards have evolved over the years – take a look:

Want a card next year? Awesome! I’d love to send you one! Let me know and I’ll add you to my list, but you have to send me one too! I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.