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The Priviest Views in Washington

The Priviest Views in Washington

In this article, originally written for Mountaineer magazine, I got to talk about poop and advise readers of the best places to sit back (on the pot), relax, and enjoy the priviest views in Washington. When you're sourcing content for a story about outdoor toilets,...

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Dear Procreation: I Quit

Dear Procreation: I Quit

Dear Procreation, We've had an interesting run, you and I. For many years we were all about avoiding each other. First with medication, and later with a metal body guard keeping your grubby hands at bay. Then I met someone. A very special someone. We got married and...

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Carlo Jordan Tursi: A Birth Story

Carlo Jordan Tursi: A Birth Story

Wriggly, round, and completely disoriented, Carlo Jordan Tursi makes his presence known in this world...loudly. He calms down quickly in his father's arms, a testament to his sweet nature. The best part is, he arrives just how mama wants: exactly on time. Here is his...

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Where to Buy Affordable Outdoor Gear

Where to Buy Affordable Outdoor Gear

Being an outdoor recreationist doesn't have to break your wallet. Follow these helpful tips to learn where to buy affordable outdoor gear. “Contrary to the examples that most blogs, magazines, and brand-name catalogs present, a backpacking hobby doesn’t have to be...

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Belaytionships, Packmances, and Nature-Loves

Belaytionships, Packmances, and Nature-Loves

This post is an ode to the relationships we forge thanks to - and sometimes in spite of - outdoor adventures. Cheers to our belaytionships, packmances, and nature-loves. As far as blind dates go, meeting at 9,500 feet on Wy’East (Mt. Hood) is about as good as it gets....

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What Type of Bailer Are You? COVID Edition.

What Type of Bailer Are You? COVID Edition.

Today we’re exploring a new category of bailer that didn’t exist before: The COVID Bailer. Naming that COVID is horrible*, it has given us new vocabulary by which to bail and, frankly, better excuses for our own flakiness. Are you guilty of being one of these COVID...

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How To Make a Backcountry Poop Kit

How To Make a Backcountry Poop Kit

A backcountry poop kit is an essential item for any backcountry traveler. Learn why they're important and how to make your own. It took a lot of practice, but I finally learned how to poop directly into a dog bag. I’d been getting outside for years – crag climbing and...

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