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I’m Leaving My Dream Job

I’m Leaving My Dream Job

It’s possible to know something is over before you are ready to say goodbye. I’d describe this feeling as a homesickness for something not yet gone, coupled with a nostalgia for magic you can never recreate. Surely we should have a word for this, but we don’t. So...
Where to Buy Affordable Outdoor Gear

Where to Buy Affordable Outdoor Gear

Being an outdoor recreationist doesn’t have to break your wallet. Follow these helpful tips to learn where to buy affordable outdoor gear. “Contrary to the examples that most blogs, magazines, and brand-name catalogs present, a backpacking hobby doesn’t have to...
Belaytionships, Packmances, and Nature-Loves

Belaytionships, Packmances, and Nature-Loves

This post is an ode to the relationships we forge thanks to – and sometimes in spite of – outdoor adventures. Cheers to our belaytionships, packmances, and nature-loves. As far as blind dates go, meeting at 9,500 feet on Wy’East (Mt. Hood) is about as good...
My First Editor’s Note

My First Editor’s Note

This summer kicked my ass. Between family visits and house projects and planning a secret, surprise wedding, my personal life has been all over the place. Life at the office has been similarly hectic, with an organizational restructure resulting in two openings on my...