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The Surprise Wedding: A Video

The Surprise Wedding: A Video

When you plan to have a surprise wedding, items quickly get sorted into one of two categories: 1) things you can control, and therefore are allowed to care about, and 2) things you cannot control and have to let go. Food. Music. The dress. Those all fall in the former...

Turns All Year: Month 55

FIFTY FIVE MONTHS!!!To kickoff my birthday month, and celebrate my 55th consecutive month of skiing, I hopped on a helicopter and took a trip into the mountains of the great white north! I’d never ridden on a helicopter (it was incredible), I’d never done...

Reasons to Buy an Adult Onesie

Photo by Greg Sheehan. Buy your own today!BECAUSE THEY ARE AWESOME!-end of list**see also: keeps you warm at night, adds flair to any packing photo, allows you to make friends easily, keeps people you shouldn’t be friends with away from you, has ample belly...