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At the end of December, it’s fun to reflect on memories that made us smile and consider what things we’d like to leave behind as we enter a New Year.

A lot of things made me smile in 2018. Spending my birthday skiing a twofer on Helens and Hood and saying ‘yes’ to overpriced plane tickets. The joy of used gear shops and drinking an Alpine Gimonaid. Getting picked to speak at a MOTH Story Slam and coming in second. Hitting the milestone of 7-years of Turns All Year (of course, there’s always joy whenever I go skiing in a tutu, which is basically always).

Work was pretty awesome too. I served as the Editor-In-Chief for my first magazine edition and you all got to see my ugly mug next to the Editor’s Note. I worked on a bunch of fun work-related stories this year in fact, and I was beyond excited to have a few of my blogs picked up by Adventure Journal! It was really rewarding to stretch my writing chops with pieces about Imposter Syndrome in the Outdoors, the Shower Rule, and the unique ways we suffer through ski mountaineering.

The past year brought learning and growing opportunities as well. Planning a wedding is stressful, and lots of travel, while fun, can be exhausting. The biggest disappointment for me this year was my continued fall from bandwagon of writing, letting go completely of my commitment to posting a blog weekly. I have all of the reasons for this, none of which are good, and I’m disappointed to have let my streak of 2+ years (almost-consistently) go. That said, it’s not good to wallow, so looking ahead I will do all I can to continue writing, because I like it and and according to my tens of fans they like it too.

Of course, my favorite thing of all this year was our little surprise wedding. Six months later people still tell us how unique and fun and perfectly us it was, and I think that’s all you ever want to hear about your own wedding.

Way back in 2007, I announced that I would be traveling to Patagonia for Christmas and therefore announced to my family and friends that I could not afford both my trip and holiday gifts. I wouldn’t be doing gifts this year, I told them, and my gift to you is that you don’t need to buy me a gift either. Win Win. Thus, the tradition of Kristina’s Holiday Cards was born, and I’ve sent a card every year since that trip in lieu of presents.

In 2013, I switched from standard Christmas Cards to New Years cards, and I think that’s when I really came into my own with playful designs. It’s fun to see how much the cards have evolved over the years. This year is a big departure from solo-Kristina cards – for the first time Jordan gets to join me! He’s asked for years what he’d have to do to get in on the holiday card action, and with the wedding he finally did it! His family has so many warm and wonderful holiday traditions that I hope we adopt as well, and I hope we always continue to send envelopes full holiday merriment. I really do love sending cards.

Want a card next year? Awesome! I’d love to send you one! Let me know and I’ll add you to my list, but you have to send me one too! I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.