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2015: An Introspective + Petra Update

I like data. I like spreadsheets and pie charts and visual representations of quantifiable information. I enjoy tracking my life on a calendar and using excel to track specific activities. If you’ve gone skiing, climbing, or running (and in some cases cycling or...

Meet Petra….My Parasite

A few months ago I shared a brutally honest blog with you about how, despite appearances, my trip to Thailand was not “just the best thing ever”.It took a lot for me to share that story, but I am so glad I wrote it. The way you responded really...
Turns All Year: Month 87

Turns All Year: Month 87

Ski season begins for most winter enthusiasts in November. But when you ski year-round for Turns All Year, your ski season never really ends. Most TAYers begin marking new total ski days in November since we have to count somehow, and I typically average about 40 ski...