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The holidays are a complicated time. While some people enjoy huge celebrations with loving families, many spend them alone with little fanfare. I was one of the lucky ones. I grew up decorating locally-acquired, “Charlie Brown” Christmas trees, hanging stockings on the mantel, and leaving cookies and milk for Santa. On Christmas Eve, my twin sisters and I were allowed to open one present each, then we’d pile into my room and squeeze our eyes shut trying to force the sleep that would never come. When the sun rose, so did we, and rushed to the living room to greedily devour the gifts under the tree.

As we got older, the one-room slumber parties went by the wayside, as did much of the excitement around Christmastime that predictably dissipates with age. The magic wasn’t gone, but it wasn’t everywhere either. We started sleeping so late our mom would have to wake us. We’d go skiing instead of opening presents. I left for college.

After I graduated, I took a trip to Patagonia and decided I was done with Christmas presents. I couldn’t afford both the trip and gifts, so I decreed to everyone that I wasn’t doing gifts and therefore didn’t want to expect any in return. And for the most part, I still don’t give gifts 10-years later.

I want to be clear though that I do still CELEBRATE Christmas. I love everything about it. Spending time with those you love. Sparkling lights everywhere. An endless supply of fattening sweets. COSTUMERY! Yes please.

I’ve designed my own traditions to replace the presents under the tree. I like to travel internationally or have an orphan’s dinner with my friends. This year I was happy to stay close to home to make new traditions in the new home I share with my boyfriend. One thing has remained the same though: creating and sending holiday cards. I love sending cards.

Collections are fun, so here’s a look at my holiday cards back back to when the tradition started. In 2013 I started sending New Years cards, and personally I think that’s when I really came into my own 🙂 It’s fun to see how much the designs have evolved over the years.  

Want a card next year? Awesome! I’d love to send you one! Let me know and I’ll add you to my list, but you have to send me one too! I’ll show you mine if you show me yours 🙂








2008. I hadn’t yet discovered text overlay…