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To celebrate skiing each month for two solid years, I went back to where it all began – Rainier of course! And man did the weather gods smile down upon us. Compared to last year when Johnny and I got completely drenched chasing the snow level up the hill (aka skinning in the pissing rain), this year was sunny and clear and HOT! I mean, seriously, it was 80-degrees at the top of Pan Point on our descent!

Jesse skinning from the parking lot

Pretty snowy for October!

I went up with Jesse, a badass skier chick I’ve been trying to get out with for YEARS, and her friend Kam, who was also an awesome skier. We skinned from the parking lot and only had a few carry-overs of a few hundred feet.

Panorama Point in the distance, required a little booting 

Boot packing fools

On the snowfield

We made it to Muir in a little over 4 hours, and once again donned in a tutu, I got some strange looks and even applause as I entered camp. Plus, I ran into my friend Theresa at Muir. Never a dull day on the mountain.

Adams looking gorgeous as always

Jesse and Kam coming up to Muir

They’ve all just started calling me Tutu Girl. I’ll admit, I kind of like it =)

How was the skiing you ask? Fan-freaking-tastic!! The snow was spring-like-corn: firm but with some bounce to it. Also, really, really fast! Man, I love skiing.

Turns All Year

My Happy Place

Can we do it again?

Thanks for a great 2 years! Here’s to many, many more =D