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This week I am visiting my college friend Amy in Jackson Hole. She and her boyfriend, David, graciously hosted me for the last week and we have all been spoiled with DUMPAGE! I know I am prone to exaggeration, but seriously there is so. much. snow here. The locals are saying that yesterday was one of the best days they’ve seen in YEARS! So, once again I am counting my many blessings while enjoying face shot after face shot of endless POW!

Amy is an amazing photographer and fellow blogger, and she posted a blog of our first few days skiing in the backcountry. Go and read it here. Seriously. Why haven’t you clicked the link yet? GO!
We hit the resort today, and Grandpa Max joined us! Amy was delighted to meet him (I mean, who wouldn’t be) and of course I am always happy to see Grandpa!

Amy made Grandpa Max Blush
View from the top of the tram. 10,450 feet. We both needed an oxygen tank!
Amy scoping her line. So. Much. Snow.