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Over labor day weekend The Group once again traveled to Skaha to get our climb on. Located in the bluff’s overlooking Skaha Lake in Penticton, BC, Skaha is mostly sport climbing with some mixed routes and a little trad. Many people camp in town in gross, overcrowded RV parking lots, but we chose to camp up on the bluffs again. I didn’t get too many photos this trip, but here are my favorites.

Tipi Remnants near Camp 1

We arrived very late in the evening and set up camp at our pre-reserved site. Apparently reservations work differently in Canada… it wasn’t enough that we called ahead to save our spot, because a couple in a camper, whom had been in the site for WEEKS, woke up the next morning and complained about our proximity (even though they were in one of our two reserved spots) until we were forced to move.

No one bothered to tell us when we reserved the site that someone was ALREADY CAMPING IN IT! So in the morning 12 people got to move 7 tents. Inconvenient? Yes, yes it was.

That’s one way to move a tent

Watch out! Tents coming through!

Things improved after that and we headed off to the crags. I spotted this car while enjoying a post-climb beverage, and after my last blog about pooping on a glacier, I thought it was a fitting bumper sticker:

Skaha once again delivered some spectacular sunsets and a super bright moon!

Full moon. Not pictured: full (bum) moon

Sunset night 2

Sunset night 3

Of course Grandpa Max came on this trip! This one of Maximilian and Ella is my favorite. Ella is waiting for her bath; Max, of course, stayed out of the mud like a good boy.

Why the long face Ella?

Mmm….breakfast burrito for dinner!