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On the sunny afternoon of August 1, 2011, I set out on a bike ride home from work when disaster struck: my rear tire was sucked in by the infamous Seattle SLUT track and I was thrown to the ground. After the initial shock (I am invincible on a bike! It’s IMPOSSIBLE that I would fall!), I scraped my dignity from the ground and quickly realized I was bleeding. A lot.

Post clean-up – YIKES!

Then for weeks I was oozing. Then molting. Turns out if you rip two chunks of skin the size of the tip of your pinkie finger out of your knee it takes a while to heal.

10 days later

A year later, I’m still more or less molting skin as my knee. I’ve been using Mederma religiously and I believe it’s helping. Maybe in another year my kneecap won’t look so mangled???

One year later