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You Can’t Go Home Again

I left my hometown of Bozeman, Montana, in 2002 to attend a large college in the big city. When I left, our population was pushing 37,000 and Montana as a whole had less than a million people living in it. Ten hours later I arrived in Seattle at the University of...

My First Selfie

Going through a box of old pictures the other day, I came across what I believe is my first selfie. Based on the glasses (and the teeth and the bangs and the seersucker shirt), this is roughly 1992, and I am 8. We had the 1989 GMC Safari van for at least 12 more...

The Magic of Winter

Me on the left with my friend Marley. 1989.Growing up in Montana, winter was always close at hand. We never spent much money on Halloween costumes because we’d end up wearing our ski pants and heavy winter jackets over the top anyway. My birthday is in mid-May...

Bozeman…or Boulder?

This September marks 9 years for me in Seattle.  I love it here – you have the many benefits of city life, yet you’re very close to the mountains, the ocean, and many [at-times-really-inconveniently-located] lakes with lots of room to run, bike,...