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How Your Face Heals

I was hesitant to post any full face shots until I was was looking and feeling better. Seriously, it was BAD people! But, now that the swelling has abated I can feed my complete fascination with the body’s ability to heal itself. Here’s a little photo...

Collateral Damage

There’s this saying in College Sports that people “bleed” their school colours. It’s a cute expression, and in my case, it’s actually true. I do bleed purple and gold (Go Dawgs!).  Exhibit A:Can’t get much more purple and...

Face, Meet Pavement: A Bicycle Tale

I have a running joke among my friends that I am better at hurting myself than anyone else. There was the electrocution incident in Greece, the near toe-decapitation in Spain, and of course my climbing/skiing/cycling accidents detailed here....

I Love Bruises

It’s no secret that I love bruises.  Bruises are like snowflakes, no two will ever be the same.  In my opinion, bruises are the only truly natural form of body art – a form of blood vessel expression, if you will.  Plus it’s the best...

Injury Report

The other day I was in a heated debate with someone about who was better at something…I can’t remember what…and naturally I felt like I was superior, as I obviously AM at ALL things, but this person had the nerve to disagree with me! How dare...

Down Under Travel Prep

It’s now less than a week until I leave for my nearly 4-week trip to Australia and New Zealand.  I’m starting to get my ducks in a row: I’ve got hostels lined up for Sydney and my first few nights in New Zealand, I unlocked my cell phone so I...