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The Truth About Thailand

The Truth About Thailand

International trips are awesome. They deliver you to a new space and time where you experience different people and cultures and places and things. Traveling abroad can be incredibly transformative and spectacularly eye-opening. International trips are difficult. They...

I’m Published – Again!

Maybe someday the excitement of getting a shiny new magazine with my words in it will wear off, but for now I’m still super stoked to see my articles in print! For our January/February issue of Mountaineer, I wrote a piece on mixed climbing with Roger Strong. An...

Climbing in Limski Kanal, Croatia

For our last two days in Croatia, we found some truly spectacular climbing in Limski Kanal. Situated right along a tributary from the Adriatic Sea, these limestone walls were truly a climbers paradise. With so many routes in the 5s and 6s, we had our pick of...

Climbing in Pula, Croatia

When I got back from Croatia I had big dreams about writing a blog for each day I was in Croatia. And you know what? I wrote 4 posts, so…that’s like a 4 out of 7…. a passing grade, especially if you’re grading on a curve! N-E-way…....