by Kristina | Aug 15, 2014 | Backcountry, Skiing, Tutu
Sometimes you go to Norway and the trip is fun and fantastic and you come home and immediately blog about your adventures in a post read by thousands landing you sponsorships with the likes of Arc’Teryx, DPS Skis, and those fabulous folks who make tutus, leading...
by Kristina | Jul 4, 2014 | Backcountry, Skiing, Turns All Year, Tutu
Backcountry skiing is awesome. I love everything about it. I love being outside. I love the challenges of getting up a mountain on your own and finding your way down safely. I love the way it sounds when all you can hear is the snow falling and the feeling of charging...
by Kristina | Jun 5, 2014 | Backcountry, Skiing, Turns All Year, Tutu
We interrupt your regularly scheduled program of posts about Norway to bring you this very important announcement : yesterday (Wednesday, June 4) I climbed Baker and skied down from the summit. With Theresa. We were both wearing tutus. Because: Team Tutu. Get...
by Kristina | May 31, 2014 | Backcountry, Skiing, Tutu
For our second day in Norway, we opted to ski Middagstinden (Dinner Peak). With heavy snow predicted, this was a safe choice with low-angled terrain and few concerns about objective hazard. Huddled around my computer over delicious gin and tonics (imported Gin from a...
by Kristina | Apr 26, 2014 | Action Figure Mascot, Tutu
In 2005 I made it my life goal to travel to a new country every year. Last year I took a well-documented week long trip to Croatia to climb, and this year I visited Norway for a week of backcountry skiing. To start the trip off right, I did a quick stop-over in...
by Kristina | Apr 10, 2014 | Action Figure Mascot, Backcountry, Mountains, Skiing, Turns All Year, Tutu
March was a tough month to motivate to ski, but luckily I had a few fun events to get me back on skis for Turns All Year Month 29! The month kicked off with a She Jumps event to get the girls out on the slopes – and get out we did! Continuing my tradition of...