An Open Letter to the Women of Airport Bathrooms

Dear Women of Airport Bathrooms,I’m hardly a frequent traveler, but I find myself amongst your ranks 3-5 times a year when I do my best to blend in. I politely wait in line when applicable, find a stall near the back if I’ll be a while, and move...

You Can’t Go Home Again

I left my hometown of Bozeman, Montana, in 2002 to attend a large college in the big city. When I left, our population was pushing 37,000 and Montana as a whole had less than a million people living in it. Ten hours later I arrived in Seattle at the University of...

Ladies: A Word About Your Pants

I hate purses. I pretty much always have. In college, when I felt compelled by society to carry a purse, I bought a few cheap small ones at the ROSS or Goodwill. Like every other band-geek-sorority-girl-wanna-be, I strutted around with my little bag on one shoulder...

Happy New Year!

The holidays are a complicated time. While some people enjoy huge celebrations with loving families, many spend them alone with little fanfare. I was one of the lucky ones. I grew up decorating locally-acquired, “Charlie Brown” Christmas trees, hanging...

My First Selfie

Going through a box of old pictures the other day, I came across what I believe is my first selfie. Based on the glasses (and the teeth and the bangs and the seersucker shirt), this is roughly 1992, and I am 8. We had the 1989 GMC Safari van for at least 12 more...