by Kristina | Oct 28, 2021 | Life
I suffer from infertility and PCOS. This story explains how we got pregnant thanks to modern medicine (despite its many shortcomings). I cannot get pregnant on my own. We tried for over a year and suffered two pregnancy losses before Lucca arrived. He has already...
by Kristina | Feb 19, 2021 | Advice, Life
Editor’s Note: I published this post for the first time in 2016, two years after Loren’s accident. Every year around the February 19 anniversary I republish the blog to encourage you to set up your emergency contact information as a way to honor...
by Kristina | Jan 22, 2021 | Life
Limp, blue, and with lungs full of gunk, Lucca Nello Tursi made a memorable entrance into this world. As icing on the cake, he left a perfect poop-emoji dump on the floor of the operating room. Everyone had a good laugh about it once he started crying. Here is his...
by Kristina | Nov 12, 2020 | Life, Turns All Year
Dear Turns All Year, We need to talk. After nearly nine years together, I think it’s time we take a break. It’s not you, it’s me. I just feel like we want different things… You know what, I can’t lie to you. After 107 months together (not that I’m obsessively...
by Kristina | Oct 22, 2020 | Life
Today’s the day. The big deadline that’s been giving you hives for at least three weeks, or maybe four, and has pegged your anxiety level between a six and an eight on most days is here. Now, finally, it’s time to present your months of hard work....
by Kristina | Sep 17, 2020 | Life
How We Lost It is the final chapter of a three-part series exploring our not-so-straightforward pregnancy/fertility journey. Visit Musings of a Maybe-Mama for Part I, and How I Told Him for Part III. A dull ache persists in my abdomen, on the lower...