How To Get A Job: Nonprofit Edition

Resume trends fascinate me. While I don’t work in HR and hardly consider myself an expert, I’ve kept up with changing philosophies over time. I frequently volunteer to help friends and family update or rework their resumes for specific opportunities. Cover...

Shout your face off

In my last post, I outlined 7 ways to have more fun – or at least LOOK like you are. The premise of the post assumed you were seeking to have more fun in photos. It did not touch on life in general per say.However if you, like me, are also looking to have more...

Mi Familia

Last week my Madre and one-half of the “twinnies” came out to visit. We did many things and it was amazing. Our amazing 4-day family festival included: Book of Mormon, skiing & snowboarding in tutus (if you can call what Michele was doing...

2015: An Introspective + Petra Update

I like data. I like spreadsheets and pie charts and visual representations of quantifiable information. I enjoy tracking my life on a calendar and using excel to track specific activities. If you’ve gone skiing, climbing, or running (and in some cases cycling or...

Happy New Year!

Moonlight skiing, complete with miniature cans of champagne, goes down in history as my best New Year Celebration ever. I’ve also been lucky to celebrate on a boat in Lake Union, with drinking uno in Patagonia, and I was in the FIRST time zone to enter the next...