by Kristina | Apr 4, 2019 | Advice, Camping
We’d driven the parking loop not once, but twice. Visiting Mt. Saint Helens for the first time this season, the Sippel Sisters and I were looking for a perfectly level, sunny spot to camp. After deciding no such unicorn existed, we chose a primo location nearish...
by Kristina | Oct 15, 2017 | Camping, Lists
My parents had a VW Bus when I was a kid, and some of my earliest memories involve camping in that van. My dad would pack everything up, my mom would load me and my twin sisters into the back, and we’d drive down a dirt road for what felt like forever until...
by Kristina | Apr 28, 2016 | Advice, Camping, Life
PorterPants as I call him. Lovingly captured hiking by Lisa Bowers.You wouldn’t know it from looking at this photo of my favorite little buddy, but a few years ago I didn’t like dogs. Or red wine. Or riding a bicycle, carrying things up hills, or sleeping...
by Kristina | May 26, 2015 | Camping, Skiing, Turns All Year, Tutu
Mt. Shasta, located in Northern California, stands alone in its prominence, rising 10,000 ft above the surrounding plains. At 14,179 ft tall, Shasta is the 2nd highest peak in the Cascade Range (little sister to Rainier at 14,410). Shasta can be seen from 140 miles...
by Kristina | Jan 31, 2013 | Backcountry, Camping, Skiing
Much to my family’s chagrin, I didn’t go home to Montana for Christmas this year (sorry Mom!). In fact, I didn’t go anywhere. For the first time ever I stayed in Seattle. On Christmas Day I enjoyed a super soggy run, took in a movie, and ate a...
by Kristina | Jun 17, 2012 | Action Figure Mascot, Backcountry, Camping, Skiing
In late April, Kevin decided he wanted to make one more attempt to summit Little Devil’s Peak, an obscure, indistinguishable peak in the North Cascades that tops out at 6,985 ft. Kevin, who you remember from Slot Coulior, had made two previous attempts...