Seeing Red

Red Mountain, out objectiveOne weekend in April, James and I decided to head up to Red Mountain for a little spring corn action. The route to the summit shares the start with Slot Coulior, meaning we hiked adjacent to Phantom Face and skied down close to the same...

Little Devil – Part 2

I left you with Day 1 of our 2-day epic trying to reach Little Devil’s Peak in the North Cascades. Here’s how the rest of the trip shaped up:We awoke on Sunday morning to clouds and rainbows. There was definitely a storm coming in and we were glad we...

Slot Coulior – A Helmet’s Tale

I have been hearing about the Slot Coulior on Mt. Snoqualmie since I started BC skiing. The skiers who dared face it’s perils said such thinks as: Oh man, SLOT is wicked steep Slot has to be IN or it’s a death trap Duuuude, Slot is sweeeeet You can imagine...