When You Have No Choice But To Fake A Blister

I knew I was in over my head. My thighs were on fire and my glutes were screaming at me with equal fervor, but I wasn’t going to quit now. I’d paid for the cabin, rented the gear, and driven five hours in a blinding snowstorm to try something new. Little did I know I...

7 Tips To Nail A Job Interview: Nonprofit Edition

  At the nonprofit where I work, hiring is a collaborative process. When someone leaves or is promoted, the hiring manager revisits the job description to make changes as necessary, then shares it with colleagues for feedback. The job description is finalized and...

Be Your Own Action Figure Mascot

Sarah McCroy embodies being your own action figure. I was in Target when I first saw them. Unassuming. Hanging discreetly on a clearance rack. Discounted not once, but twice, and waiting for just-the-right-someone to take them home. I knew instinctively I was that...
5 Things I Learned Moving Twice in 12-Months

5 Things I Learned Moving Twice in 12-Months

We booked movers and packed boxes with the best of intentions, but nothing ever goes as planned. Here are the 5 things I learned moving twice in 12-months. The good news is Jordan bought a cute house in this crazy Seattle market. Now we are moving and moving is the...