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Okay, the title is a little misleading. I do not really want to be a supermodel. For starters, I suffer from shortness, and I’ve never heard of anyone with my particular malady walking the runways in Paris (aside from some circus performer on stilts). I will stick to running on the walkways of Seattle (ha, see what I did there?).

However, I am sort of feeling super-modely because I did do not one, but TWO photo shoots last week!.

I wanna be a super model….or an extra on Hunger Games.

First, I was contacted by my friend Genevieve Hathaway, who recently returned to the USofA after years traveling abroad in the Middle East, Central Asia, and Australia. She takes amazing photos on interesting topics (her passion for archaeology, biology, mountaineering leads her to capture modern cultural heritage) and she was looking for a model to amp up the “outdoor lifestyle” section of her portfolio. I am flattered that she contacted me.

We met near my work at Magnuson Park and she took lots o’ fun running, stretching, and foraging photos. She really has an eye for colors and framing, and I have to say I LOVE all of the pics she posted.

Not only did Genevieve take SPECTACULAR photos, but she also wrote a fun blog about it on her site which she is calling “The Face of Adventure.” It includes a Q&A session with yours truly. Go and read the interview here. Seriously…why haven’t you clicked yet?

Below are some of the photos she took – to see the rest, like her on Facebook.

Delicious blackberries

Contemplating awesomeness

Stretching (which for the record, I never do)

Yoga in the fins

The Face of Adventure

When I saw the very last photo, my first thought was, “Wow, that’s awesome” followed shortly by, “I finally look like I’m almost 30.” Not sure if I feel good or bad about that…

BUT I promised you two photo shoots!  In September I’m going to be auctioned off for charity. Yes, you read that correctly. A date with ME is being auctioned off for charity, and trust me when I say we will be doing something adventurey. More information to come on that, but here’s a teaser from the 2nd shoot wherein we were instructed to look our best and had make-up people on hand to get us all dolled up.

Never before in my life have I worn so much makeup. I was…startled. But according to my 7-year old niece I looked like Barbie. So we’ll call it a win!